Everything In One!!!😲😲😲
The Sensel Morph:
Digital artists need lots of tools for their work to go on, also those tools are bulky, consume too much power, still do not provide full range of human touch. The SENSEL MORPH provides all those tools in one mobile package. Easily swap between keyboards, Cut your videos, play music and get melody in just a matter of change, where you need it when you want it.
- Swappable Overlays:
Inexpensive overlays completely defines the hardware of the technology. Meaning Swap between editing to sending a mail in just a matter of seconds by putting overlays on the morph.
- Wired or Wireless:
Use with a battery and Bluetooth or with a USB(on your personal preferences), which makes it easy to connect with a computer, phone, tablet.
- Incredibly Sensitive:
Almost 20,000 pressure sensors having capacity of sensing range 5 gm-5 kg of 32,000 levels per touch.
- Portable:
People's Experience:
- Musicians:
Just play with your hands on apply some pressure and you are on! Sensel Morph is Powerful and Portable: Perfect on a go, in studio or on the stage. every Sensel Morph comes with Arturia Analog Lite free inbox, compatible with 17 synthesizers and 500 presets. You will start using it, the minute you start using Sensel Morph.
- Writers:
Wanna send some mails??? writing Overlay keeos you in touch. Also you have different options in Writing Overlays Thanks to Sensel Morph. For a traditional writer grab QWERTY overlay, want to type faster? try the DVORAK overlay. You can also try AZERTY overlay.
- Video and Audio editors:
- Artists:
Get a subject and grab a pen, pencil or finger and start drawing a thousands of pressure sensitive sensors on every contact. With the help of Sensel Morph's Art overlay, you can Trace, Draw and Paint to discover new ways of digital Drawing and Painting.
- Gamers:
Got bored of work??? Swap your work with some play. Sensel Morph's Game overlay just act a Standard Gaming Controller without all that bulk. Developers also love the new extension of the traditional Controller and get to the next level Gaming.
- Developers:
Got some new Ideas??? Grab Sensel Morph's Innovator overlay and get started with Sensel's API. Python, C, C#., Mac, windows, Linux or Android. Get Pressure, Rotation, Size, Location and more similar 16 contacts. Sketch your idea on paper(But with overlay) and get to it.
Sensel Morph App:
Use Sensel Morph app to customize controls and how the contact works! You can customize Visualize Contact, Change Shortcuts, Modifiers, MIDI notes and more with the User Friendly app for Mac, Windows, IOS, Android.
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